Since I have left little doubt in your mind about my feelings of this game, I will spend the next few paragraphs trying to sell you on why you need to go buy this game. Oh yeah, it also has one tiny little thing that makes it better: great gameplay. So what makes it better? How about new cars, better graphics, awesome tracks, a pursuit mode, day or night racing, backwards tracks, and even varying weather conditions.
After a 'disappointing-at-best' effort with Need For Speed II, EA is back on track with this arcade racer. The Need for Speed series is on its third installment (not including V-Rally and the old saying 'the third time is a charm' has never been more true. It just so happens that Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit is a racing game, and a damn good one at that. All I know is that I can sit down and play racing games for hours on end. I don't know if it is due to the fact that there have been so many quality racing games for the PSX or what.
What is it you ask? The fact that racing games are officially my favorite genre, ousting the long running sports titles. No more kidding myself or the others around me.